Link to download:

The DEPITAPP digital application is designed on a software architecture articulated into four distinct components:

  • a server-side application;
  • an application for the Google Chrome browser with Mac and PC compatibility (or alternatively a desktop application with Electron technology (;
  • a Mobile Application for iOS and Android Tablet / Smartphone;
  • an external Cloud service.

The app will allow users to design and implement curricular learning paths at different levels: a general design divided into modules and individual sessions, structured as a Graphic Organizer, able to ensure a clear vision of the organization of the educational path.

The nodes and the sub-nodes of the route may contain work materials selected by the teacher as well as information on tasks, deliveries, information on the progress of the course and the possibility of adding notes, observations and individual and group evaluative processes.


Demo version: May, 2018

Beta version 0.1.0: August, 2018

Mobile version 0.1.0: October, 2018

Pre-final version 0.5.2: April, 2019

Final version 1.0.0: September, 2019

Link to download:

The DEPIT APP is available in desktop version for Windows, Apple and Ubunto, as well as for Android (mobile). An account  issued by the administrators is needed to use it.